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Armonica Film provides infographics and animated video production services for our clients in Italy and Europe.

Armonica Film provides animated video production services for your company or business. This creative solution is particularly suitable for explainer videos and tutorials, since it catches the viewer’s attention very easily.

An animated video is very direct and easy to understand, and it is also perfect to be shared on social media or displayed on the home page of a website. You will be able to share information with simple infographics that your clients will easily remember and understand. Our team of professionals will take good care of your ideas, suggesting improvements to make them even better.

One of the many advantages of animation is also timing, because no filming on set is required, so there is no fixed schedule. As a consequence, our team can guarantee fast deliveries and definite deadlines.

Our animated video production service also includes voice over and subtitles, if needed. No matter where you are in the world, you will be able to comment, review and then receive the final video in no time, via one of the several online platforms available.


TheDrapers logo video production company
TheDrapers logo video production company
2005-2024 © Armonica Film SRL - Via Ramellina 14/2, 16157 Genova - CF/P.IVA: IT02855610990 - Registro delle Imprese di Genova - REA: GE-515887 - Cap.sociale 10.000 Euro